Church of Misericordia
This church was once home to the Confraternity of La Misericordia which was constituted in 1538 by thanks to the votive offerings contributed by the entire citizenry of Gubbio with the purpose of accomplishing religious and charitable works especially the care of the poor and needy who were sick. In 1590 the members of the Confraternity acquired a small 14th century residence and adapted it to suit their needs and in order to build the Church of the Holy Saviour and the adjoining oratory. At the entrance one can admire the small vaulted chamber with its elegant stucco decorations forming gilded frames embellished by paintings in tempera or canvases of excellent quality. The wall paintings are by Francesco Allegrini (Rome, 1624-1684), who also painted the cymatium above the altar, while the ovals are by various artists including Lapis (Cagli, 1706-Rome 1773). On the main altar there is a magnificent wooden statue of Christ The Saviour (1640). Within, the Oratory of the Confraternity has a solemn but pleasing aspect refined by its vivid stuccoes, paintings and highly crafted wooden ornaments. In 1865, under new laws following upon the Unification of Italy, the whole complex was handed over to the Congregation of Charity and eventually entrusted to the Bishop in 1944.