Church of St Filippo Neri
The foundation stone of this Church was laid on 6th February 1646 by the Bishop, Alessandro Sperelli. It was consecrated on 24th May 1647 and St. Philip Neri’s Congregation of the Oratory was established on 11th February 1649. The Oratorians were replaced in 1783 by the Redemptorists who in 1832 transferred to the Church of the Madonna del Prato. In 1833 the Church of St. Philip Neri was entrusted to the Congregation of Suffrages. The present occupiers are the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, one of the most ancient and prestigious orders of Christian knights. The interior of the church consists of a simple vaulted Baroque chamber without a transept, but with two side altars and a main altar in a semi-circular presbytery. The altarpieces are by Giacinto Boccanera (Leonessa 1666-1746), Francesco Allegrini (Rome, 1624-1684) and Giuseppe Reposati (Gubbio, 1722-1799). The church venerates the relics of the martyr St. Tigridina which are buried under the main altar and the image of St. Anne was originally in the Church of St. Anne of the Armenians formerly located along the road leading to the Bottaccione.