Church of St Giovanni
Audioguide (6): Church of St Giovanni and torre campanaria Audioguide (601): intererior Audioguide (7): Piazza San Giovanni This church is mentioned in documents as far back as the 12th c. The original, simple building was replaced, in the 13th c., by a more impressive structure. Its plan - one nave only with four transversal arches supporting the pitched roof - was taken as a model for other Gubbio churches later on. The façade is very beautiful flanked by the mighty, square bell-tower.The interior was “re-arranged in the old Gothic style around 1865”. Among the works of art present in the church, several are worthy of mention: “St. Barbara and St. Lucy” by Benedetto Nucci (1st altar on the left) and “The Vocation of St. Peter” (1573) by Giovanni M. Baldassini (2nd altar on the right). The murals in the baptistry chapel were painted in 1828-29 by Gubbio artist Annibale Beni. The stone font is dated 1510. Some remains of Gothic and late Gothic frescoes are visible on the walls of the church.