Palazzo Pamphili
Palazzo Toshi Mosca
The huge building complex opposite is the Mosca Rest Home which originally belonged to the ancient noble family of the Counts Bentivogli. When Count Girolamo died in 1642 without children, he left it to the Ondedei branch of the family. In 1690 the Palace was renovated by the brothers Battista, Cesare and Bentivoglio who completely transformed it into the one we can admire today. In 1820, it was bequeathed to the Marquises of Pesaro and Vittoria, the last descendant, in her handwritten will left it to be used as a rest home for the elderly, which opened in 1889. On the main floor one can admire the family theatre, the 17th century salon, which is the largest in the town, and other decorated rooms now being used as offices by the institution.
This stately construction, dating back to the XIV century, is made up of a central core, which is elegant and refined due to its cornices, friezes and careful stonework. It was subsequently extended towards Piazza Bosone, in the direction of The Domenicani Convent. As well as, in the internal part towards the city walls, where an elegant “quadriportico” was created becoming a connecting element between the constructions from different periods. According to some historians, it was once home to one of the oldest noble families of Gubbio, dating back to the X century. A branch of this family moved to Rome and rose to the utmost of fame with the election of Giambattista Pamphili to Supreme Pontiff under the name Innocenzo X, who was always honored to belong to the “Eugubino” (Gubbio) aristocracy.