Porta Castello o di Santa Lucia
One of the seven gates in the Medieval Town Walls, so-called because it is the start of Via Tifernate which leads to Città di Castello. In a document dated 1337 it is also referred to as Porta del Borgo and was one of the five gates in the district of San Martino when the total number of gates in the town was thirteen. It had a drawbridge because it was protected by a moat. To the right of the entrance you can still see what was the toll-keeper’s lodge and is now a small leather workshop. In 1259 the townspeople had a marble slab inlaid on the gate bearing the inscription, “A FIDE CASTELLANA LIBERA NOS DOMINE” because a judge from Città di Castello had found against them in a dispute with Perugia. The words were even recited during prayers in Church but the inscription was removed, on the orders of Bishop Mariano Savelli in1561, as it was deemed to be disgraceful.