Porta degli Ortacci
The gate is situated south of the city walls, in vicinity to the (no longer in existence) “Porta del Ponte Marmoreo” (Ponte Marmoreo Gate). From its name one could deduct that it was used to access the fruit and vegetable gardens, located in the immediate outskirts, where the Roman city once stood. It was most likely closed when the “Ospedale Grande” (Large Hospital) was constructed between 1749 and 1766. In 1928, while the land adjacent to “Chiesa di S. Francesco” (St. Francis Church), was being lowered in order to reopen the ancient “Porta degli Ortacci” (Vegetable Gate), many travertine stone tombs were unearthed adorned with byzantine friezes, as well as Roman time period artifacts, definitely originating from the ancient city baths. Many writers have identified it as “Porta S. Francesco” (St. Francis Gate), one of the three gates of the “Quartiere di San Giuliano” (Saint Giuliano Neighborhood), because of its vicinity to the convent and to the church of the Assisi saint.