Ranghiasci Park
The park was commissioned by Marquess Francesco Ranghiasci Brancaleoni, and laid out between 1831 and 1849. The project behind the implementation of this green area was the creation of an English garden with large alleys, on sloping ground above the city walls. Old buildings were pulled down and replaced by others in the neoclassical style; some mediaeval ruins were renovated in order to allow suggestive, picturesque walks among chestnuts, limes, maples, holm-oaks and horsechestnuts.
Town Park, close to Port Metauro and within the city walls, still preserves the structure of the first half of 800.
In the mid-nineteenth century did not exist in Gubbio old gardens to take as models and to transform. Unique and wonderful memory about is the roof garden of the Dukes of Urbino, that Isabella d'Este, in a letter to her husband Francesco Gonzaga in Mantua, praised as most agreeable place adorned with "a small garden with a fountain in the midst of great recreacione" .
At the beginning of the nineteenth century even this memory is now faded and survive small gardens or rather, the rich and simple gardens adjacent to buildings, to which the nobility occasionally reserve restoration and adaptation to new tastes and new trends.
L'area verde non è rielaborata su spazi preesistenti, ma nasce, sotto la spinta di una cultura e di un gusto preciso, dalla volontà di ricreare in zone precedentemente occupate da orti e fabbricati un giardino all'inglese, alla maniera di Goethe, con visuali e cannocchiali ottici, che sottolineano un panorama ""pittoresco,"" spaziando da S. Martino a piazza Grande attraverso la scansione delle torri medioevali tutt'oggi esistenti.