Church of San Secondo
Audioguide (54): Church of San Secondo Audioguide (541): interior It was apparently built in the 5th century A.D. In 1141, the canons of S. Secondo accepted to follow the Augustinian rule. The present aspect of the whole structure is the result of renovation work carried out in the 14th, 15th and 16th c. The interior of the church was completely renovated in the 18th c. Among the altarpieces, worthy of note are those by Bernardino Nocchi (“Transito di S. Giuseppe” - “The Passing of St. Joseph” and “S. Agostino confuta i Manichei” - “St. Augustine confounds the Manicheans”, 1st and 3rd altars on the right) and Stefano Tofanelli (“The Martyrdom of S. Secondo”, 2nd altar on the right). On the 2nd altar on the left, one can see a late 15th c. fresco, attributed to Orlando Merlini. Of great interest too are the high altar (1343) and the apse, the latter having been brought back to its old Gothic form. In the old graveyard in front of the church, a few frescoes are left, among which those of the Panfili chapel (1458): they show the “Stories of St. Sebastian” and are the work of a local painter, Jacopo Bedi. The altar of the chapel, dated 1134, comes from the ruined church of St. Donatus at Pulpiano.